Designates Report for Jurisdiction

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Based on the number of new initiates (0) in your jurisdiction you are eligible for a total of 3 Grand Cross of Color designates. This total includes your 3 original Grand Cross of Color designates. You may use up to the allotted amount.

Nomination # 1

Directions: Choose to nominate a Youth or Adult for Grand Cross of Color.

Nomination # 2

Directions: Choose to nominate a Youth or Adult for Grand Cross of Color.

Nomination # 3

Directions: Choose to nominate a Youth or Adult for Grand Cross of Color.

Nomination # 4

Directions: Enter the information for a Service to Rainbow Adult Nomination.

Nomination # 5

Directions: Enter the information for a Service to Rainbow Adult Nomination.

Nomination # 6

Directions: Enter the information for a Service to Rainbow Adult Nomination.